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The Truth About Co Employment Risk

Dec 22, 2023

Co-employment isn’t new, but there are modern solutions to help with co-employment risk mitigation.


Co-Employment 2.0 is safer, more efficient, and makes your life as an employer much easier, although risks still exist. Co-employment partnerships have historically spelled disaster when someone decides to sue either partner. Being partners in co-employment could also mean you are partners in crime.


While co-employment isn’t new, there are modern solutions to help with co-employment risk mitigation that you need to know about. And though the risks are still real, “Co-Employment 2.0” is safer, more efficient, and makes your life as an employer infinitely easier.


Our new e-guide explains the risks of co-employment and gives advice on how to avoid them. It helps workplaces ask the right questions before entering a co-employment partnership.


  • Who directs or supervises (even indirectly) the employee’s work—the PEO or partner employer?
  • How permanent or lengthy is the relationship between the employee and partner employer?
  • Who can hire or fire employees, change work conditions, and decide how much and how they get paid?


Download the guide today to ensure you know all the ways you may be incurring compliance risk without even knowing it!

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